Forward- Looking UCM Fashion
The Original
Lauren's scarf design started as a class project and ended up being much more. Lauren's "Double Diamond" print has been featured on UCM silk scarves, ties as well as rayon fashion scarves. The "Double Diamond" designed by Lauren Riddle launched Homecoming 2013 at UCM.
Throughout the UCM curriculum students are taught to incorporate the process of developing products, sales, benefiting of marketing opportunities as well as many more steps in the apparel process. These real world experiences help give the students an edge in multiple parts of the fashion industry.
Alumni Lauren Riddle seen in the photo above with President Chuck Ambrose displays the original Double Diamond scarf and Neck- Tie |
All UCM fashion products are sold online at
Silk tie $30 |
Rayon scarf $15 |
Breann Hibberd is a recent graduate of the UCM fashion program with more than 100 hours invested in the new paisley design. This new paisley design features 4 UCM logo's and the black and red color scheme and are very unique and eye catching.
As well as the debut of the new UCM design the UCM Fashion program has also increased its number of products for these designs. Not only are there neckties and scarfs, the department also offers shirts, bow-ties and extra- long neckties to add to your collection of UCM merchandise.
UCM professors, as well as President Chuck Ambrose, pose for a picture showing off the 2016 necktie, designed by UCM alumni Breann Hibberd.
Paisley scarf $35 |
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